Contact Us

Please use the “Contact Us” feature when you have general questions about the ConnectMD program. Inquiries are typically responded to within 1-2 business days.

If you are looking to submit a request for advice, please use our Non-Urgent Advice Request Form.

If you are a physician looking to place a request for advice, please call us at:


Monday–Thursday: 9:00am–6:00pm | Friday: 9:00am–4:00pm

Other Services

There are additional options for you to access specialty advice depending on where you are in the province.

This one-pager was created as a reference to assist you in determining which service to use, based on the advice required and your preferences.

Specialist LINK

For Calgary Zone, please visit Specialist Link.

Visit Specialist LINK


Request Advice through Netcare Portal

Visit eReferral


AHS telephone line for urgent or emergent cases